A prestigious space located on the ground floor of the Palazzo dei Priori.
In 1337, the Priors of the Gates bought a house on Piazza Maggiore from the Florentine Bard Company and built the vault that leans against the Palazzo del Popolo, bypassing the road toward Porta Moiano. The building was largely rebuilt during the papacy of Sixtus IV della Rovere (1471-1484).
3kW of available electrical power. Formed by 4 halide lamps of 70w each and 32 adjustable ceiling lamps. The electric system is compliant with the applicable regulations.
Legislative Decree no. 37, dated January 22nd 2008, regarding the fulfilment of Article no. 11 quaterdiecis, paragraph no. 13, letter a) of Law no. 248 dated December 2nd, 2005, laying down the reorganization of the provisions relating to the installation of systems in buildings (OJ No. 61, dated March 12th, 2008)
(as amended by Law no. 186/1968 on Professional Electric Systems; EN Regulation no. 12464 on Artificial lighting in the workplace.)
The entire space is equipped with portable powder fire extinguishers.
The same are placed in easily visible and easily accessible places with pictograms of easy identification.
The room is close to the fire-fighting station, manned 24/7. Furthermore, Piazza del Comune has closed circuit cameras connected directly with the above-mentioned station.
The Sala Pinacoteca is located on the ground floor of Palazzo dei Priori in Piazza del Comune. The building is in brick; the exterior facades are in exposed Assisi stone work. The attics are plastered and vaulted, with supportive arches;
the interior walls are plastered with mortar based on cement and lime collection. The paint is white tempera. The floors of the halls are made of terracotta tiles; the two entrance doors are wooden with double glass doors inside.