10:00 – 10:30. Registration
10:30 -11:00.
Welcome address: Francesco Bartolucci (V.Director, Department of Economics, University of
Introduction to Geoff Mason: Mary O’Mahony (King’s College London)
11:00 – 12:30. Session 1: “Skills and labour demand/supply”
Chair: Francesco Venturini
Golo Henseke (University College London) “Tracking graduate skills demand”
Michela Vecchi (Kingston University) “Working in an immaterial world: intangible assets and the
supply and demand for skilled labour”
John Forth (Bayes Business School) “The experience of low paid workers in Britain, 2004-2020”
12:30 – 13:30. Buffet lunch
13:30 – 14:15.
Chair: Mary O’Mahony
Keynote speaker: Bart van Ark (University of Manchester & The Productivity Institute) “Intangibles,
skills and productivity: Lessons learned and opportunities ahead”
14:30 – 16:00. Session 2: “Human capital and technology”
Chair: Mary O’Mahony
Hugh Lauder (University of Bath) “Education, technology and human capital theory”
Lea Samek (OECD) “Characterising AI adopters and their human capital”
Francesco Venturini (University of Perugia): “Unslicing the pie: AI innovation and the labor share in
European regions”
16:00 – 16:30, Coffee break
16:30- 18:00. Session 3: “Skills and human capital”
Chair: Alessandro Sterlacchini
Larissa Marioni (NIESR) “Transition probabilities, wages and regional human capital stocks”
Alessandro Sterlacchini (Univ. Politecnica delle Marche) “Local labour tasks and patenting in US
commuting zones”
Sara Formai (Bank of Italy) “Closing the Italian digital gap: The role of skills, intangibles, and
19.30 Social dinner (@ Restaurant La Rocca)
9:15 – 10:15. Session 4: “Intangibles”
Chair: Ana Rincon
Filippo Bontadini (LUISS) “Organisational capital, ICT and productivity in the digital age”
Rebecca Riley (King’s College London) “Who wants to improve their management? Evidence from UK
10:15 – 11:00.
Chair: Michela Vecchi
Keynote speaker: Sandra McNally (University of Surrey & London School of Economics)
“Equipping the future workforce: The role of apprenticeships?”
11:00 – 11:30. Coffee break
11:30 – 13:00. Session 5: “Drivers of productivity”
Chair: Davide Castellani
Juan Fernández de Guevara (Universidad de Valencia, IVIE) “Measurement of mark-up and
productivity across Spanish firms”
Maria Savona (LUISS & SPRU, Univ. of Sussex) “The weak link between wages and productivity in
London: Evidence from firms and local labour markets”
Kyoji Fukao (Hitotsubashi University) “Human capital and secular stagnation in Japan”
13:00: Buffet lunch and Workshop closing